Do we boycott burger king for the gay pride whopper?

Here’s a post that’s going to get a couple of hundred reads.  Normally, one of my blog posts gets 50 or so views on the day I post it.  On the rare occasions I post one about homosexuality it easily gets a couple of hundred.  I don’t know what that says about us, other than it’s one of the most divisive issues of our day.  Today’s blog is primarily directed to Jesus followers who support traditional marriage.  Although I’m not naive enough to think that others won’t read it.

Let me say I clearly see the Bible conveying the idea that God made men and women for each other.  I don’t see that as being a cultural idea, but an eternal one.  Therefore, as I see it there are two options to be obedient to God.  We can marry a member of the opposite gender or we can remain single and celibate.

I also don’t believe in categorizing sin.  Of course, there are different consequences on earth between murder and gossip, but the consequences are the same in God’s eyes – any sin keeps you out of heaven and an eternity with Him.  We all need to be forgiven.  And I don’t decide who goes to heaven or hell.  I don’t need that kind of pressure.  Yet, I do preach that the Bible says we must ask for forgiveness and turn from sin.  With all that being said, I believe that heaven will include people who are in committed same-sex relationships who love Jesus and live for him.

There are some who are pro traditional marriage who would disagree with my beliefs and others who would agree.  There will be some who are pro same sex relationships who would be fine with my beliefs and others who would be upset that I believe it’s contrary to God’s plan and would call me homophobic.  And in the end God will sort it all out.

I do know this, the best way to minister to any people we believe are living contrary to how we read the Bible is not to boycott and it’s not to hate.  The best way to minister to anyone we believe is outside of God’s will is to show them love.  Love doesn’t mean we have to condone or accept.  And if a group or a person is not satisfied with a love that disagrees, then I believe that’s on them.  But if we disagree from an attitude of spite or negativity, I believe that’s on us.  And many in the church across the country come out swinging with spite and negativity.

It’s like the gambling business that’s going in at the end of the church’s driveway here in Short Gap.  I would never approve of our church boycotting in front of their business when they open.  I would rather send them a “welcome to the neighborhood” basket, which I will probably do.  (Not on behalf of the church because some people would have a fit, but from me personally.)  I told the administrative board here at the church that I’m thrilled that it’s going to be a football field’s length from the church doors and right across from the church sign.  I want them to see the church sign about the free dinners and worship times.  I want to love on those people.  I’ll probably take cookies to them on occasion.  I want the people who work there and gamble there to know me.  I want them to say, “Man, I know he never comes in here to gamble and doesn’t agree with people blowing money they can’t afford, but that guy is so kind to us.”  If they need approval of their behavior, I can’t help that.  But if they know that in spite of my beliefs, I treat them with love and kindness, maybe one day they’ll come to church.  Maybe one day they’ll come to Jesus.  Maybe one day the Holy Spirit will lead and guide them.  And if that ever happens, it won’t be because I led a boycott against them.




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5 Responses to Do we boycott burger king for the gay pride whopper?

  1. Eileen Whtie says:

    Best way I have ever heard it put. Amen and Amen!

  2. Mark Kinsman says:

    ATTA BOY !

  3. Kat says:

    This post hurt my brain so much. At first, I thought it was the part making gambling the same kind of thing as the challenge and wonder of sharing a life and family with exactly the person of your choosing. Then I realized I was offended by your church’s dislike of gambling in Short Gap. Really, what else is there to do? Let people have their small vice. I mean, it’s not like you could pop down to the local night club to hang out. ( too many of those “non-traditional” people.)

    • Kat – Thanks for reading my blog and caring enough to reply. I personally know a couple who literally lost their home because of their addiction to the gambling establishments in West Virginia. I believe they destroy lives (not all lives of course). I also know there are people who get their government assistance checks and lose them in the first few days there. Then they come to the church later in the month and we pay their electric bill for them and their kids. While there are some people who can afford to go and can responsibly use them for entertainment, I don’t see the gambling places as a net gain for the community.

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