An unexpected Children’s Church message

I was in the children’s church this morning and noticed that the chalk board said, “Have it your way”. That was a surprising phrase to see on the chalk board at children’s church. While the modern American church would never be so bold as to put it in those exact words, that is the current theology of much of the modern American church. While some find the 1980’s Burger King mentality appealing, the Bible says this kind of thinking is dangerous. Romans chapters 1 and 2 warn us that we can be so persistently rebellious and insistent to hold onto our sin, that God will allow us to have it our way. However, that permission to have our own way is not a blessing from God. Any time a church tells you that you can have God and have it your way, they are deceiving you. God calls us to turn from our ways… to be forgiven through the shed blood of Jesus, and to receive the Holy Spirit who will help us forsake our past ways and become a new creation. In doing so, we are saved. To insist on having our own way is the broad way that leads to destruction.

I do not even need to ask. I am certain the chalkboard was a warning to the kids about what happens when we insist on having our own way. If only more pastors were less concerned about being accepted by a lost society, and more concerned about the lost accepting Jesus and His ways. I am sure our kids received the truth that we must not seek to hear God say, “Have it your way” but that we must say to God, “Have it Your way.”

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1 Response to An unexpected Children’s Church message

  1. Jean Shafer says:


    You have the right to have what you want, exactly when you want it. Because on the menu of life, you are “Today’s Special.” And tomorrows. And the day after that. And…well, you get the drift. Yes, that’s right. We may be the king, but you, my friend, are the almighty ruler.

    Do you know who’s slogan this was? Here’s a hint: it has to do with fast food. This was Burger King’s slogan until a few years ago when they changed it to “Be Your Way.”

    Of course, it’s meant to be funny. But if you take it seriously, there’s a lot wrong with this slogan! So what do you think is wrong with it?

    Here are the problems I found:

    No one has the right to have what they want exactly when they want it.
    Yes, you are special, but that doesn’t mean you can demand to have your way.
    Humans are not the “almighty ruler.” That title goes to God.

    This was copied from our Children’s Church Lesson for October 22nd.

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