Fake offers

I saw the title for an article this morning that half of all online job postings are fake. That does not really surprise me. What did surprise me was the reason. I figured it was mostly scammers and fake companies looking to get your personal information. However, the headline said many of the postings were from legitimate companies, but the fake part is they have no intention of hiring someone! Why, you ask? The article lists various reasons. Overworked present employees can be tricked into thinking “help is on the way”. Ungrateful current employees can be motivated by fear thinking they might be being replaced. Thirdly, it can give the appearance that a company is growing and doing well, hence the need for more employees. The article also says the “ghost job postings” have become so prevalent that it is hurting the companies really looking to hire people. And it hurts the people looking for jobs because they get frustrated by the lack of response from their applications and they quit applying.

When I read this, it makes me think of the sorry state the American church. There are way too many churches who are making fake offers to make themselves look good in the eyes of a lost world. They convince themselves that they can change and get the world to like them… and perhaps join them. They are doing nobody any favors. It is a fake offer devoid of any meaningful results for the hearer. It is also hurting the churches who are really looking to see lives changed through the forgiveness of the cross of Christ. The truth of the Gospel is we are all sinners in need of being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. We are all broken and need the healing only found in the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus. Their fake offer might fool society, but it is not fooling God.

Will God accept you just as you are? Absolutely. You can not and do not need to change a thing about yourself in order for Him to receive you into His Kingdom. You do not “get yourself right” to become acceptable to God. That will never happen. You come to God with all your baggage and imperfections and admit to Him what a mess you are, believe He sent Jesus to die on the cross due to your mess, and ask Him to forgive you and help you become who He created you to be. And He will forgive you… and change you. It is a real offer made by the One who created you.

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1 Response to Fake offers

  1. Wow, I never would have guessed that any job postings were fake. It is a sad reflection on the human condition. Even businesses are hypocrites.

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